The story revolves around Lowen Ashleigh, a struggling writer who is offered a unique opportunity. She's asked to complete the remaining books in a popular series written by the famous author Verity Crawford, who can't write due to an accident. Lowen accepts the job and visits the Crawford family's estate to review Verity's notes. However, what she finds in those notes is a disturbing manuscript that reveals unsettling family secrets and dark truths about Verity.
As the story unfolds, Lowen gets caught up in the mysteries of the Crawford family and forms a complex and passionate relationship with Jeremy, who is Verity's husband. The book is a suspenseful exploration of love, obsession, and the blurry lines between reality and fiction.
"Verity" has received acclaim for its thrilling and suspenseful storytelling, keeping readers engaged and on the edge of their seats. It's a departure from Colleen Hoover's more typical romance novels, delving into deeper and more psychological themes.
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