Don Miguel Ruiz

man person self-improvement writer
Don Miguel Ruiz is a Mexican author and spiritual teacher known for his books on personal growth and spiritual wisdom. He was born on August 27, 1952, in rural Mexico into a family of healers and curanderos (traditional Mexican healers).

Ruiz's writings draw from the ancient wisdom of the Toltec civilization, blending it with modern spirituality and self-help principles. His most famous work is "The Four Agreements", which was published in 1997 and has since become a widely read and respected guide to living a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Don Miguel Ruiz has written several other books, including "The Mastery of Love" ,"The Voice of Knowledge" , "The Fifth Agreement" (co-authored with his son, Don Jose Ruiz), and "The Circle of Fire". His works have been praised for their simplicity, wisdom, and ability to inspire readers to lead more meaningful and fulfilling lives. Ruiz's teachings have also influenced the field of personal development and spirituality.

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